Implementing an ERP system is an expensive proposition that can cost millions of dollars (with the software licenses, consulting fees, integration costs, training and upgrades factored in) and take months, even years, to fully deploy.
And, according to a report commissioned by Panorama Consulting, one in five ERP implementation projects (21 percent) end in failure.
So what steps can you take when choosing or deploying an ERP solution to decrease the likelihood of failure? Here are eight suggestions from ERP experts, systems integrators and project managers who have successfully implemented an ERP software system.
“Because it’s a major investment of time and money, be sure to create a comprehensive list of requirements with input from multiple key stakeholders,” says Sumanth Dama, CTO, CuroGens, a systems integrator.
“Define your company’s core needs,” says Evert Bos, solution architect, Sikich, a professional services firm. “Your system requirements should be a short list of functional and operational must-haves and an equally short list of key strategic requirements that will support your future growth. A well-defined list of requirements will result in a more seamless implementation process and an ERP system with lower total cost of ownership.”
“Seriously consider how [the system] would fit into your current IT infrastructure,” says Dama. And “ensure that [the] ERP [you select] can support the regulatory requirements of your business – [and if] you will have to pay big dollars for customizations. Make your choice not solely upon price or vendor alone.”
“My best advice to a cost-conscious [organization] deciding on an ERP system is to really look at total cost of ownership,” says David Valade, vice president of operations at Alta Vista Technology.
“Yes, the software itself costs money, but as you compare costs for different solutions don't forget about hardware, consulting dollars to implement, internal resources to maintain the software and future upgrade costs that come with it. I know a company that doubled the size of its IT department to maintain an ERP solution that initially looked like a bargain.”
“Choosing the right vendor is a major part of the process,” says Dama. “Ensure the vendor has done their homework and can get the job done to your specifications. Be sure they’re prepared to give specific estimates regarding TCO and the ROI you can expect for your business and in what period of time,” he says.
“Discuss in detail the budget and project completion time and require references from other organizations that have hired them. Also be certain they have the proper experience serving your specific industry.”
“When embarking on an ERP implementation, it’s essential for your software and service provider to know your business,” says Paul Magel, president, business applications and technology outsourcing division, CGS. “Every industry has its own requirements, from terminology to specific functionality. A one-size-fits-all ERP will leave you with many gaps and needed customizations,” he says. “Whether you are in a specialized vertical such as footwear or are a well-known apparel manufacturer, ensure your vendor is an industry expert.”
“One key predictor of how your ERP implementation will go is upper management buy-in,” says Kirk Heminger, marketing manager, Penta Technologies.
“Senior management [doesn’t have] to be integrally involved in every step of the implementation process. However, management involvement and backing in prioritizing the project, setting direction, allocating resources and facilitating communication can be the single most important success factor in any implementation process.”
“It’s imperative the team tasked with choosing a new ERP system collaborate with senior leadership team or a member of the C-suite, where one individual from [the] executive team can serve as the sponsor and internal champion of the project to streamline approvals and break down internal silos,” says Rick Hymer, vice president, North America service line leader, packaged based solutions, Capgemini.
“A roadmap not only ensures a smooth process, but it shows financial stakeholders when the implementation will start, the cost and when they can expect to start seeing benefits,” says Ramesh Iyanswamy, global head of SAP HANA, Tata Consultancy Services.
“Roadmaps help manage large, complex technology and business process transformations in a series of well-defined phases, and help take control of cost planning. [Use the] roadmap [to] phase deployment over a period of shorter go lives, spreading out the cost over years.”